khun今天拍攝Welcome to the Show的照片~ 真的好多歌手啊.. 到底是演些什麼...
燦成: 不僅是我們三個,所有六人都相處得很好. 當然,有時我們也會生對方的氣,但這種情況發生後,我們會男子漢的坐下來對話,尊重彼此的決定.
俊昊: 其實,防止抱怨的堆積,我覺得更為重要的是當有人指出你的缺點時,能夠欣然的接受.
澤演: 是的...所以,我們會定期聚集在一起,在客廳,有什麼在我們心中積著的做一次公開的談話.
尤其是,他們在2PM演唱會做特技表演. 澤演說,"如果我們不信任對方,就沒有辦法去完成特技表演. 因此,我們友誼的堅實基礎奠定了團隊合作."
正好在看日雜non-no的訪談翻譯... 這就是2PM的感情能夠一直這麼好的原因吧..... =]
像孩子們這樣不管誰和誰都很要好的團真的很少 所以以前SBS需要至親筆記的也沒法上吧ㅋㅋ
Fan: Did you stop replying already? Or are you looking at your mentions? Anyways, just wanted to say Love you and 2PM
└ khun: @CynnG7 no no! I was busy talking with Infinite in the waiting room =]
khun在和無限團聊天 啊 我的無限團 最近和我們野獸家孩子們越來越好了 我很開心^^
khun: Fan Talk~~~~~~~ Start!
└ 澤演: @khun r u done for today??
└ khun: @澤演 hey hey! Not yet! Are you?
└ 澤演: @khun u won't see me untill we get on the airplane to okinawa(沖繩) lol
└ khun: @澤演 awwww man!!! How am I gonna survive????? T.T
└ 澤演: @khun its okay~ I'm sure u can handle it!!
khun的fans澤演ㅋㅋㅋ 要直到去日本才能見到taec 活不下去的khun 你倆好膩人>ㅅ
khun: Happy 900th day!!! =] Thank you all for your never-ending stream of love and support! Let's make together til the end~ ♥ HOTEST +2PM ♥
khun: T.S. : 好日子 - IU! No matter how long the day, as long as you're having a good day! =]
khun: Its gonna be a longgggggg day... Blahhhhhhh
今天拍情境劇加油啊... 有趣嗎? 好像還真的扮演MC的樣子... ㅡㅡ;
Hong-Q: 有陽光的好日子. 光合作用中
峻敦元宵那幾天回了大邱 現在又跟洪奎一起 回首爾了嗎? 這圖真像兩個老人出來曬曬太陽ㅋ
峻秀: 這之間發生了很多的事情 那樣也相信著我們和我們一起走到現在的 HoTTesT 各位 我愛你們^^ 2PM 900日了 #2pm900thday
*Kim Tae Woo & Park Kyung Rim to MC Dream High Concert on Feb 24. Suzy & Eunjung will sing Winter Child. Taec & Wooyoung will have duet perf. IU will sing Someday while Kim Su Hyeon will sing Dreaming.
恩靜: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ澤演是93年生的ㅋㅋ 我是94年生的ㅋㅋ謝謝♥
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈... 時赫弟弟和白熙妹妹啊!!!!!
澤演: 今天是900日了?? 雖然發生過很多事 一直和我們在一起的我們HOTTEST 謝謝你們!! 以後也要一直在一起哦!! Thank you for supporting us and being there for us!! #2pm900thday
澤演: Good morning! RT"@khun: Woke up, Got ready, and Am ready for this great Sunday! Let's hope only good things happen today for all of us~ =]"
khun: Woke up, Got ready, and Am ready for this great Sunday! Let's hope only good things happen today for all of us~ =]
Ianchoe: oh snap #2pm900thday haha congratulations boys i'll buy you 900元價值的點心 when i get back kkkkk
*Today is 2PM's 900 days since debut =) 2PM出道900日 #2PM900thDAY
*2PM's 1000th day is on the 31st of May! 下面這個韓飯做的送給大家~~~
Copyright © Ruotic All rights reserved
- Feb 20 Sun 2011 23:20
2PM║110220 午後二時野獸孩子們 圈養中 2PM出道900日♥