Look optical 拍攝 視頻~ 嗷 真的太好看了!!!!! 我喜歡粉色這套 可是沒有taecwoo的=[
再呼籲一次! 請不要將我的圖片網址連結放到其他任何網站去! 我這裡看的到 轉載請重傳相冊!
今天TBS Kuraberu Kurabera~ 日本的站位太好了^^ taec和燦子被摸手臂和胸肌ㅡㅡ;
澤演: Mr. Shimura, and everyone in Kuraberu Kurabera, nice to meet you, we are 2PM!!
khun: Nice to meet you, I am Nichkhun from 2PM. My favorite instrument is the piano.
峻秀: I am the one who loooves tuna, Junsu!
俊昊: My hobbies are composing and acrobatic dance
佑榮: I want to go to the toy shop!
燦成: I am good at Taekwondo. (馬上表演迴旋踢)
佑榮: Toy! Toy! Toy! (比劃著功夫動作喊著玩具ㅡㅡ; 你幾歲啊...)
LG U+國際電話代言~ 公開khun的通話紀錄 次數依次是澤演.佑榮.媽媽~~~
澤演其實說實在現在等於是PM隊長了 佑榮和媽媽還需要解釋嗎ㅋㅋ 一家人嘛!
2012 首爾綜合藝術學校新生招募刊上的佑榮~ 佑榮是08學年的 我還查到民在是05學年的ㅋ
*因為地震關係 2PM擔當封面&採訪的AERA MOOK K-POP BOYS +PLUS 尚未在書店販售!
*4/6 2PM LIVE DVD 1st Concert in SEOUL "DON'T STOP CAN'T STOP" 正式發售
*原定3/28日播放PM上的富士TV "Hey Hey Hey" 延期到4月了 確定日期會再公布的!
khun: I took that picture in Tokyo, Japan, while riding on a bus on the way to work. The scene was just too meaningful to let it slip away. =] [10:53]
khun: Having a good friend riding along your side is a treasure. So appreciate and cherish it. [10:46]
└ Ianchoe: @khun tandem bikes this summer, you down? hahahahahah [11:08]
└ khun: @ianchoe let's do it!! =] [11:21]
└ Ianchoe: @khun ahaha miss you buddy. glad we got a few hours this break, i'll hurry back! @澤演 you can ride in the basket of our bike~ [11:24]
*4/30 19:00 2PM將參加 仁川Super Korean Music Festival 當天也是佑榮的生日啊~~~
*4/7 泰國時間13:00 Eversense 2PM The Hottest Hunt時裝秀 at Paragon Park
2PM Caramel 這團顏超級好啊!!! / WU時期 你洗困你就這麼喜歡張佑榮? 頭轉不回去了..
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- Mar 24 Thu 2011 00:26
2PM║110323 午後二時野獸孩子們 圈養中