110517 Ontama: youtube.com... 太好笑了!!! 但這麼晚也不能笑出來ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Q:What is the word that you want to scream from on top of Mount Fuji? Wooyoung:"2PM!!!!" , 俊昊求婚時候要講的話也是 "2PM!!!!" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

REAL 2PM 拍攝樂天~ 自己玩得很開心的幾個孩子! 今天被KW圖刷屏了...

  Ceci PM和staff合照 & 日飯看板上塗鴉的玉貓ㅋㅋ

 Backstage photo of 2pm with Aliza Mizuki at NHK. They did recording for Music Japan today.

*Take off Dance ver: youtube.com..
我發現比起原版更喜歡dance ver啊!

日本に来て2週間が経ちました。みんな元気ですか? [13:33]
(翻譯: it's been 2 weeks since we came to Japan. how are you all?)
└ 瑟雍: 快點給我生日禮物 [13:39] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 太好笑了~~~

  Ceci nuneo個人照 & 雙子cp照~~~
About the house from Ceci interview: Junsu & Taec lives in the 1st floor and the rest are on the 2nd floor. Junsu says that fans don't stalk their house and he's really grateful for that

燦成 me2: T.S.是conner reeves - ordinary people 練習生的時候聽的 過了好久了才想起來 推薦哦^^ [12:07]

個人的 High Five event ticket! 佑榮 & khun & 燦成 的...

Tower Records Shibuya High Five event~~~
*The High Five event is on May 21st. Fans use the solo photo card to get in and high five the member that's on the card.

@俊昊 對啊 空虛啊..我現在肚子空虛 腸炎... 흠 同歲的要加油 [08:49]
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