Khun: "因為陽光如此明亮 所以沒關係" - @followjyp [16:39] (圖)
└ JYP: @Khun 哇 看了這照片 我真的很想唱這首歌! [16:54]
└ Khun: @JYP one of your many brilliant songs sir! = b [16:57]
└ JYP: @Khun Wish we can grab a beer in Fingers Zone when you get back! [17:02]
Khun: Some are relieved, some are sad, some are furious, and some are just thankful for the good laughters and smiles every saturday evening. We all knew all along that at some point this was going to end, but the good memories and friendship will never die. I am but thankful for all the support we've received for over a year and 3months. We only hope that what will last are the good memories. Thank you always for all your love and support. [14:17~14:23] #goodbyeKhuntoria

△視頻: 2PM SHOW 第10話 中秋特輯 預告 原來只是把1~8集所有喜怒哀樂有趣的片段串一起給大家看~ 以為中秋特輯是新的內容呢 白期待了昂ㅠ 還有9月10日當天 午後6時30分到午後10時 會連續放送2PM SHOW 5話至9話. 緊接著10時開始放送第10話!

Cover Dance Festival! K-POP Road Show 40120 本放情報 MBC (五) 午後 11:00~ (2011年 9月22日 放送預定) 出演者: 2PM, missA等.

△視頻: [Real 2PM] COCA COLA ZERO CF Making Film 倆全身赤裸養眼的拳擊手 後來澤演獨自變成玩火柴的小男孩了~

Khun: People with heart conditions should take precaution before watching this episode of real2PM [Real 2PM] = b [10:05]
俊昊: 聽了musiq 的 143 再聽 love. 有種想要和誰分享這份愛的心情... love ~~ so many things I've got to tell you ~ [08:53]
└ 斗俊: @俊昊 single 推薦!! [12:22]

Khun 微博:
Hope to see you all in China for our Hands Up tour! Ready to party with 2PM? =] [08:23]

Khun: Morning peeps! =] [04:12]
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