tw i got the PANDA at indonesia! thanx :) 20:17萌死了>

Hands Up Asia Tour in 印尼雅加達 記者會 + 簽名會. 孩子們明天加油!!!^^

 tw 是誰把我創造出來的 好好的去思考~^^ 大家也好好的思考看看吧. Hwaiting! 15:55

Khun tw @Min Go get some good fish & chips!! Its yummmy! Have fun~ 15:47
@Khun it's my first time! Have you been there? 15:49
▎Khun @Min I've been to Sydney!!................ Airport... -_- but.. They're good! 15:52

▎Min @Khun yay! Exciteddddd hehehe +_+ 15:55

tw "Whatever you are, be a good one". Simple and straight to the point! Credit to an online blogger =] 15:18 圖

Khun tw Heyy Indonesia! I am now in Jakarta! Well since yesterday but my roaming wasn't working! -_- anyway! Looking forward to tomorrow!!! 14:59

燦盛 tw Today song...!!Robin Thicke - It's In The Mornin (Feat. Snoop Dogg) ...!!今天早上起床在聽這首歌.. oh 很好哦ㅡㅋ 哈哈 14:21

今天販賣的日雜 "女性 seven" :: 俊昊燦盛: 燦盛總是沉著的給予判斷. 確實是忙內.

埈秀 tw Finally we got to INDONESIA !! feels good :) see yall at the concert !! 01:47

埈秀 tw 各位考生! 希望你們認真準備的多少就能做得多好.^^ 大發!! Hwaiting!! 01:41

△視頻: 2PM "Hands Up" 亞洲巡迴演唱會大馬 英文燦子就說了句what 俊昊就說日期ㅋ

111110 2PM宣言 #13 - Wooyoung

(祐榮: 大家好 我是祐榮 今天的2PM宣言是.. 讀更多的書)

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