Khun tw From time to time I look back at my footprints on the path that led me here. They are there to remind me who I was,where I came I got here, what is my destination, and why I'm going down this path. Along with every step are the beautiful people that walked and have taught me how to be me simply by being them. For the way I am is just the way "you" are. I thank "you". 23:47~23:52

澤演 tw 後面剩下兩天 six beautiful days 演唱會就要結束了~ 在beautiful MV拍攝場拍的 現在才給大家看~ 知道我的心吧?? 23:08 圖

►5月30日(三) PM11:00~ KBS2 2012 Dream Concert 放送 (5月12日錄影)

Khun tw 今日来てくださったみなさん~ ありがとうございます。 私のソロ舞台気に入って頂きましたか?まだまだ足りないと思いますが、もっと頑張ります!! Fighting!!!~~~ = ] HOTTEST is the best!! <3 (謝謝今天到場的各位. 我的solo舞台怎麼樣? 雖然我認為現在還很不足, 會更加努力的!! Fighting!!!~~~ = ] HOTTEST is the best!! <3) 22:01

埈秀 tw 我製作的樂譜^^ ashita aimsho minasan(See you tomorrow) :) 21:36 圖

日本武道館 Six Beautiful Days演唱會 第4日Nichkhun日.
據說為Khun自掏腰包準備的粉色心形氣球event♥ 繼昨天向祐榮告白被迷住了 今天又說了喜歡祐榮 要抱祐榮還是沒有辦法得逞 這兩天其實是KW day啊ㅋㅋ

△視頻: RAON 6th Party Teaser - Diamond Tears Worldwide Launching with JYP
△視頻: Coway 冰塊淨水器 TVCF

tw Brian Mcknight - 6,8,12 It's been six month, eight days, twelve hours since you went away 你已經離開 6個月 8日, 以及經過12小時了..這一段..哈啊ㅠ 15:56
tw 為了廢止音源定額制的署名運動 14:34

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