Beyond the ONEDAY ~Story of 2PM&2AM~ 電影首映式 (缺少澤演).

濱崎步 wb We r still looking at different camera!!! Lol 20:20

祐榮 tw @昶旻 Fighting!!! ^0^ 19:22
Khun tw I use Sketch Qvik app to draw in my free time~I did fill the picture up with blue sky and a sun and birds but..Yeah..Still a long way to go! 19:06
俊昊 wb Yeah~~ weibo!! Miss you 19:05

Khun tw One day I will paint and sell my work! = b (only if it's good enough) 18:52 圖

►6月12日 埈秀參與的 'I Love李泰利' OST 販賣預定.


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