Nichan tw @Khun what I would do to cheer u up bro... 22:56 圖
▎Cherree @Nichan @Khun We all here for you ^^!!!!!! 22:54 現在網民連khun的家人也不放過 chan哥已經刪了這條推並道歉 支持自己的家人是錯的嗎?

△視頻: 120726 Opening / 張祐榮 - Sexy Lady @ M! Countdown 今天是一位候補 但是差一點點好可惜 大家為了祐榮伊拼命的投票及買了那麼多專輯 出錢出力 真的辛苦了!

►日本第5張單曲 'Masquerade' 販賣延期公告: 因為2PM想要以6人的形式表演.ㅠㅠㅜ

Nichan tw Love u @Khun 15:49

  <--Khun更換頭像 (內容翻譯cr-Nichkhun中國後援會)
Khun tw I would like to write this letter of apology for such an irresponsible act. To the injured person, his family, the people of Korea, my fans, JYPE family and staffs, 2PM members, and all the people this situation has affected. I have betrayed the ones who have given me their love and support, the love and support I don't deserve with such behavior. I feel the need to take some time off to re-think about my action and myself, to make myself a better person and never again repeat the same mistake. I am truly ashamed that I have disappointed so many, and I am deeply sorry. 14:05 經過這件事之後 相信你會變得更好! #alwayssupportNichkhun.

金浦機場 回韓國 埈秀、俊昊、燦盛. 這兩天在日本拍攝Wonder Trip!

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